Karl F. Stewart

Alice in Düsseldorf
reflections on water

Down the rabbit hole and into the illusions of another world. Surprisingly, the entrance to the rabbit hole in this series of photographs is represented by the reflections of everyday scenes found on the surfaces of bodies of water located in Düsseldorf. Some would say water is a reflection of us. And though we walk by sources of water almost everyday, we frequently never notice what we are reflecting back onto their surface.

There is a certain irony in life where we can reflect an ugly building onto the surface of a body of water and the building becomes transformed into something poetic. Many of us would refuse to drink from the fountains and/or ponds found in major cities, but we do not hesitate to see the beauty in the images reflected.

And this was the intention when doing Alice in Dusseldorf - to look for those surfaces where the waters were able to transform the reflections of their surroundings into something poetic.

So should we ask ourselves a very simple question, is it the artist in us who sees beauty in a reflection on a water's surface, or is it water trying to communicate to us that beauty exists if we are willing to take the plunge down the rabbit hole to search for it?



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